A growing children’s book series written to educate K-2 students about the sustainable forest industry. Follow each character as they explore a different sector of the forest industry supply chain and meet the people who keep the industry running every single day.

  • Book Cover for Lucy Meets a Logger

    Lucy Meets a Logger

    Lucy heads to the forest and makes a new friend—Mr. Logger! Learn all about logging with Lucy to see how to keep a forest healthy and strong. Do you know what items come from trees? You may be surprised as you read along! Also available in Spanish

    Purchase a copy:
    Mascot Books | Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble

  • Lucy Conoce a un Talador

    (Lucy Meets a Logger, Spanish Translation)
    Únete a Lucy mientras se encuentra a el Señor Talador y sus amigos y aprende todo sobre talar árboles. Aprenda como los bosques se mantienen saludables y reabastecidos. Averigüe que tipo de elementos provienen de los árboles. ¡Las respuestas pueden sorprenderlo!

    Purchase a copy:
    Mascot Books | Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble

  • Travis Visits a Tree Farm

    Join Travis as he and his classmates visit a great big tree farm and learn all about working forests! Find out how forests are taken care of for different goals and learn all about a tree farmer’s many important jobs!

    Purchase a copy:
    Mascot Books | Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble

  • Sam Visits a Sawmill

    Join Sam as she takes a tour of a sawmill! Learn all about manufacturing, as well as the people and machines that make forest products for us. Discover alongside Sam how trees are turned into products that we use every single day.

    Purchase a copy:
    Mascot Books | Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble


Use Tiny Timber Crew™ in your classroom to accomplish grade level requirements.


Learn about sustainable forestry with engaging stories and relatable characters for grades K-2.